1) it seats 8...enough said.
2) when raining...you can park, easily climb in the back, undo the kiddo, and exit out the closest door.
3) back in the diaper-changing days...again, ample space to sprawl out and change.
4) it may not be legal, and it's definitely not safe, but when on a 9 hour trip with a child who prefers to potty every 1.5-2 hrs...set the potty down on my abundant floor space, unbuckle the kid, TT, wipe, put it in the trash bag, back in the seat, and keep on driving. Of course, there does need to be another adult in the car to help out...but, this was a huge time saver!
5) you can pack for vacation, seat yourself, hubs, and kiddo, carry 10 tomato cages to your father in law, and still have room to seat at least 3 more folks...maybe 4 if they are dieting.
6) super-sharp turning radius. breland can laugh all she wants about this...this mini will turn around on a dime...no more 3 point turns for me!
7) uh...electric doors. you don't know you need them until you have them. try being 7 months pregnant, groceries in one hand, 30 lb kid in the other, and then open the door...not gonna happen...but wait, oh, i can punch this little button and whalah...open sesame.
8) cup holders, cup holders, cup holders. i have 6 within my reach in the driver's seat. i haven't counted them all, but it is probably at least 100.
9) all seats are removable...all of them. i haven't had to use this nifty function, but i plan on it, even if i don't need to. the fact that i can load pretty much anything todd can in his big ole truck is very exciting to me.
10) on a similiar note, say you are sitting in the back and you don't want to eat your fast food out of your lap...oh, looky here, i can just pull this little lever and down comes the seat back, and i have a nice little serving tray (and cup holder, of course) right there.
11) lastly, the fact that i look so unbelievably cool is undeniable....undeniable.